Diamond Dental Group, P.C.
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Orthodontic Treatment
More and more adult patients these days realize that investing in a smile makeover can have significant benefits, socially and professionally. Appliances that are barely noticeable have been developed to give adults more discreet choices when it comes to orthodontic treatment. Straightening teeth can be an important part of that confidence-boosting makeover process.
Invisalign is an aesthetic and comfortable way of achieving straight teeth. Using state of the art technology, teeth can be moved using computer fabricated see-through aligners. Each set of aligners will be worn every two weeks to move the teeth in the proper location. The total treatment time for invisalign guided treatment usually averages nine to fifteen months. A proper screening process is required to determine if Invisalign can achieve the most aesthetic result. In some instances, preinvisalign treament is needed to fix difficult movements before invisalign treatment can be initiated.
Invisalign Teen
Invisalign now has an option for teenagers as a more aesthetic and comfortable way of straightening their teeth. As with normal aligners, each set of aligner is worn for a two week duration for an average total treatment time of nine to fifteen months. Invisalign teen is equipped with color changing compliance indicators and six free replacement aligners. A proper screening process is required to determine if Invisalign can achieve the most aesthetic result. In some instances, preinvisalign treament is needed to fix difficult movements before invisalign treatment can be initiated.
Traditional Braces
Dental braces can correct crooked and crowded teeth, a misaligned bite, and jaw problems. Braces also eliminate problems you may have with eating, speaking properly, or with keeping your teeth clean. Traditional braces have come a long way over the years, becoming sleeker, smaller, and more comfortable. And that’s certainly something to smile about!
Traditional braces consist of standard metal brackets that are adhered to your teeth with an adhesive and connected by wire. They require periodic tightening so pressure can gradually straighten your teeth and align your jaw as needed. While metal braces brackets are still the most common, other treatment options are available today. Read below to learn more about traditional braces and how you can customize them to fit your lifestyle.